1. Got a Labrador? Think it’s the bee’s knees? You’re not alone — labs are the most popular breed in the world.
2. Dogs don’t just lap up water indiscriminately — they form the backs of their tongues into little water cups.
3. Your dog’s earliest ancestor is the Miacis, a small weasel-like creature that lived 40 million years ago. Dogs share this ancestor with wolves, raccoons, and bears.
4. If your dog’s acting up, it might be because a storm’s on the way. Dogs can hear, smell, and feel a change in the weather long before us.
7. But! They don’t really enjoy hugging. In the canine world, putting your limb over another animals signifies dominance.
9. Square-headed dogs (like Saint Bernards) can hear subsonic sounds better than dogs with narrow heads (like spaniels).
10. But tiny dogs, like Chihuahuas, can hear sounds in higher ranges than big dogs.
11. Dogs’ nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints, and can be used to prove identity. Good luck sticking a dog’s face in some ink without making the mother of all messes, though.
12. Your dog’s wet nose helps him detect scent by absorbing the water droplets that carry smells.
13. When dogs dig after pooing, they’re not burying anything – they’re marking their territory using scent glands in their paws.
16. Dog urine can corrode metals. In fact, several lampposts in Croatia actually collapsed because so many dogs were peeing on them.
17. Some species of Pekingese were specially bred so that they could be carried around inside a lady’s sleeve.
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